Borneo Schematics
Tespoin Cilacap
Tespoin Event
One Day Workshop Borneo Schematics Cilacap
Borneo Schematics
One Day Workshop
Cara Praktis Repair Ponsel
Dengan Borneo Schematics
Minggu 26 Juni 2022
Jln. Tentara Pelajar, Rejamulya Gumilir
Kec. Cilacap Utara
Nara Sumber :
Borneo Flasher Indonesia
Chief Of Executive
Borneo Schematics & Hardware Solution
Master of Ceremony ( MC )
HTM 175.000
Free T-Shirt, Sertifikat, 2x Coffe, Lunch
Pendaftaran :
Workshop & Doorprize
FTC Cilacap (Forum Teknisi Ponsel Cilacap)
ITSC Cilacap (Ikatan Teknisi Smartphone Cilacap)
TEMBEL PANCI (Teman Belajar Ponsel Cilacap)
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